12 March 2025
28 January 2025
22 January 2025
04 February 2020
JAKARTA, 3 February 2020 - The spread of a new type of corona virus or coronavirus novel (2019-nCov) continues to grow. Even on Thursday (01/30/2020), the World Health Organization (WHO) established the International Emergency status. The number of cases continues to increase in mainland China as of February 1, 2020 at 13:00 WIB reaching 11,791, and 259 of them have died, and outside China also continues to report positive cases of the corona virus. Symptoms of people affected by this new corona virus are fever, coughing, shortness of breath, and experiencing mild to severe respiratory distress. In more severe cases, this infection causes pneumonia to death.
The Indonesian Minister of Health, dr. Terawan Agus Putranto has asked the Indonesian people to take care of themselves by living clean and healthy behavior to prevent corona virus infection and strengthen the immune system. According to the Minister of Health, the key is to keep praying, keep thinking positive, and maintain body immunity. If the immune system is good it is not easy to get infected by the virus.
The body has a defense system, as a natural mechanism to fight the threat from the entry of foreign objects from outside, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi. When the immune system is weak, then the foreign object will easily enter. Causing infection and appearing some symptoms such as sneezing, fever and others. Moreover during current condition where the corona virus is easily spread and no vaccine has been found. In cases like this, the best way to do is preventive action, both externally and internally.
According to Prof. Dr. dr. Iris Rengganis, Sp.PD-KAI, prevention can be done externally by living a clean and healthy lifestyle. For example by consuming balanced nutritional food, exercising diligently, getting enough rest, diligently washing hands with soap and using masks, especially when in a crowd. While internal prevention can be done by modulating (regulating) the immune system. Immunostimulants work to stimulate the formation of immune cells such as B cells which then form antibodies.
"In conditions where the risk of exposure to viral infections is very high, immunostimulants can be added in addition to other precautions. Immunostimulants can be consumed in a certain duration until the risk of exposure to the virus decreases and should be consumed before someone is infected with a disease, because immunostimulants need time to stimulate the immune system, "said Prof. Iris.
The use of immunostimulants is highly recommended for people who plan to travel, and are often in the center of the crowd. In addition, vulnerable age groups have low endurance, especially the elderly (over the age of 60 years). Prof. Iris also added that increasing endurance in this condition becomes very important for everyone. Both those that have a high risk or not.
DR. Raphael Aswin, MSi, VP of Research & Development at SOHO Global Health, explained that a good immunostimulant contains Echinacea pupurea extract and zinc picolinate. The content of Echinacea purpurea extract has been clinically proven to modulate the immune system and prevent further spread of infection. While zinc picolinate plays an active role and works synergistically on the immune system.
Imboost is an immunomodulatory product that is immuno stimulant from SOHO Global Health which contains Echinacea pupurea extract and zinc picolinate. In addition there is also an Imboost Force that has more strength in immunostimulants because there are additional content of Blackelderberry extract that can prevent viral replication and stimulate an increase in the immune system by increasing monocyte production, which is the part of white blood that plays a role in the immune system, so that it will accelerate the healing process for people who are sick due to infection with the virus. Therefore, Imboost Force in addition to prevention can also be given in conjunction with treatment from a doctor. Currently, Imboost products consist of a variety of preparations, namely Imboost Tablet, Imboost Force Caplet, Imboost Force ES Caplet, Imboost Force Cough, Imboost Kids Syrup, Imboost Force Kids Syrup, Imboost Tablet Suction, Imboost Effervescent and also Imboost Lozenges.
"As a manufacturer of Imboost which is the market leader of body defense supplements in Indonesia, and Imboost Force is the immunostimulant supplement most recommended by doctors *, we have a social responsibility for public health. We hope that this scientific and objective information can help calm the public and jointly fight the threat of the corona virus with strong immune system. Imboost and Imboost Force as immuno stimulants can be the best choice of supplement for strengthening endurance, "said Soho Global Health VP Marketing Health Care, Sylvia Rizal.
The Imboost product range has an effective efficacy reputation with experience in the Indonesian market for more than 20 years. Imboost products can be obtained easily in various hospital pharmacies, drug stores, and in e-commerce such as Shopee, Tokopedia, Lazada, Halodoc, and others. In addition, regular Imboost can be obtained at hypermarket, supermarkets, and minimarkets.
* Based on IMS data Q2-2019
SOHO Global Health has consistently delivered sustainable, solid financial results despite the soft market condition. In a rapidly-changing environment, the key to our success has been our ability to balance continuity with change. It has required discipline and decisive actions to build sustainable value for the long term.
21 September 2020
12 September 09/12/19
15 August 08/15/18
16 July 07/16/18
16 July 07/16/18
16 July 07/16/18
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